A text command. Ran with a prefix, and can have aliases.
Property | Type | Value | Description |
aliases | Array<string> | N/A | Aliases for the command. |
The command will be ran if any of these aliases are used with the prefix. | |||
description | string | N/A | - |
initPlugins | Array<InitPlugin<Both> | InitPlugin<Text>> | N/A | Plugins that will be ran upon the command being initialized/loaded. |
name | string | N/A | - |
plugins | Array<CommandPlugin<Both> | CommandPlugin<Text>> | N/A | Plugins that will be ran upon the command being used. |
run | (options: { args: Array<string>,client: Client<boolean>,message: Message<boolean> }) => unknown | N/A | - |
type | Text | N/A | - |
Last updated on January 28, 2023